Ignacio Calleja
EIT Raw Materials
Ignacio Calleja joined EIT Rawmaterials in Sept 2016 as Thematic Officer for Circular Economy and Recycling at EIT Rawmaterials leading the Circular Economy strategy, representing EIT RM at different European entities.
He is coordinating the Cross KIC Circular Economy Action with the participation of six KICs (EIT Rawmaterials, EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Digital, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility).
He started his professional career in the Chemical sector in 1995 joining the RTD sector in 1996 as environmental researcher (industrial pollution). He joined the European Commission/JRC/IPTS in 1998 developing his work in the Sustainable Production and Consumption Unit for 6 years dealing with IPPC, Water and Waste/Recycling legislation, ETAP, ETV,etc.
From 2005 until Sept 2016 he dealt with European affairs, projects, and initiatives dealing with environmental issues, circular economy, industrial pollution, resources efficiency, recycling, environmental policy at the Energy and Environment Unit of Tecnalia Research & Innovation.