Sigurd Heiberg
Petronavit A.S.
Sigurd is the chairperson of Petronavit a.s (www.petronavitas.no). His extracurricular activities has included the position of past chairperson of the UNECE Intergovernmental Committee on Sustainable energy. He is a current member and past chairperson of its Expert Group on Resource Management, participating in shaping the UNFC and now the UNRMS. Professionally, he has worked with resource management as Deputy director of resource management at the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate responsible for development and production in its formative years, as petroleum exploration advisor for the Minister of Water, Energy and Minerals of Tanzania during the hardships of the early 80’s and as business developer and corporate strategist in Statoil, now Equinor.
Sigurd’s university education is in geology and engineering from UCLA and MIT.