In late November 2022, FutuRaM partners gathered in Brussels for the second meeting of the full consortium.
The meeting addressed some fundamental questions on exploitation such as what is the market for the FutuRaM Secondary Raw Material Knowledge Base? And how do we monetise the UNFC methodology for SRMs? Creating an open-access data platform as part of a publicly funded project is a key output of FutuRaM, but generating post-project revenue is also critical for maintaining the platform and keeping the associated data up to date. This is one of the many interesting challenges the project needs to address in the next three and a half years.
Those present also took the opportunity to work together to plot the flows of our focus waste streams and the complex connections between each of them. Expertly guided by representatives from Empa, TU Berlin and UNITAR, the discussion resulted in six preliminary flowcharts showing the streams from use to waste generation to treatment and, where applicable, back to use again.